5 Whys for Failed Sprint Goal Retrospective


Scrum team didn't reach the Sprint Goal.

You're a Scrum Master or facilitator.

Now you're preparing for the Retrospective, where you need to help the team to stay factual, leave aside emotions and interpretations, find the real reasons for failure and choose executable action points.

This template will help you. It is based on one of the most popular & easiest system thinking tools – five whys.

Have a great Retro!


Ira Skrypnik image
Ira Skrypnik
Agile Organizations Consultant@Manychat
Hello! I'm Irina Skrypnik. I'm an agile organizations consultant, PCC ICF, mentor for Scrum Masters, facilitation trainer. My lifetime mission is to help people grow. I'm doing it through different formats: personal consultations, team sessions, meetups, articles. I am always looking for new ways to connect with talented and curious people. Sharing templates on the MiroVerse is one of those ways. Mastery of everyone + deep professional communication = 💚
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