Who Are You in Innovation? đź‘€ Icebreaker


Find out where you and your team stand on the innovation spectrum with this fun and interactive icebreaker. Perfect for workshops, team-building sessions, and brainstorming meetings, this template allows participants to self-assess by dragging markers across a scale that spans key traits such as “Traditional” to “Innovative,” “Manual” to “Automated,” and more. Each row represents a critical dimension of behavior and working style, encouraging exploration of team diversity in innovation and collaboration. It’s an effective way to spark conversations, promote self-awareness, and gain insights into different approaches to problem-solving and creativity.

How to use:

1. Each participant selects a marker and drags it across the scale based on their experiences and personal preferences.

2. Use the results to open a group discussion, reflecting on how different positions influence team dynamics and the innovation process.

Ideal for:

• Team profile discovery sessions

• Innovation and design thinking workshops

• Collaboration and working style analysis


Ricardo Caires image
Ricardo Caires
Lean Innovation Facilitator
Challenges drive me. You can invite me to climb a higher mountain 🏔️ than I have ever climbed before and solve a problem 🚨 that I didn't know about until now. I believe that everything can be challenged to be improved. 💡That's what makes innovation happen.
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