Weekly Goal Board


Achieving your goals requires more than just setting them; it demands a consistent and structured approach to track your progress, reflect on your achievements, and plan your actions. A weekly goal tracking template can be an invaluable tool to help you stay focused and motivated. This template revolves around three pivotal questions that guide you through reflecting on your past week, setting clear goals for the upcoming week, and identifying the necessary actions to achieve these goals. Let's dive into how you can use this template effectively.

Question 1: What Were Your Goals Last Week? Did You Hit Them?

The first step in our goal tracking template is to reflect on the previous week. This reflection is crucial as it allows you to assess what worked, what didn’t, and why. Start by listing the goals you set for last week. Be specific and detailed. For example, instead of just noting "increase sales," specify "increase sales by 10% through email marketing campaign."

After listing your goals, evaluate whether you achieved them. Use a simple yes or no to keep it straightforward. If you hit your goals, take a moment to celebrate your success and consider what strategies or actions contributed to this success. If you didn’t achieve your goals, reflect on the potential reasons. Were there unforeseen obstacles? Did you overestimate what could be accomplished in a week? Understanding these factors will help you adjust your approach in the future.

This step of reflection and evaluation helps build a learning loop. By regularly assessing your performance, you become more aware of your strengths and areas for improvement, making you better equipped to set realistic and achievable goals moving forward.

Question 2: What's Your Goal for This Week? One Business + One Fitness

The next step is to set your goals for the upcoming week. This template encourages a balanced approach by focusing on both professional and personal development, specifically business and fitness goals.

Business Goal: Think about what you want to achieve in your professional life this week. It could be something like "secure three new client meetings," "finish the quarterly financial report," or "launch the new marketing campaign." Make sure your goal is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This clarity will help you stay focused and understand exactly what success looks like.

Fitness Goal: Equally important is your personal well-being. Setting a fitness goal ensures that you are taking care of your health, which in turn, can boost your productivity and overall happiness. Your fitness goal could be "run 10 miles this week," "attend three yoga classes," or "complete five strength training sessions." Again, specificity is key.

By setting one goal in each category, you create a balanced plan that promotes both professional growth and personal health, leading to a more holistic approach to self-improvement.

Question 3: What Actions Do You Need to Take to Hit This Week’s Goals?

The final question in the template is about planning the actions required to achieve your goals. This step is critical because goals without actionable steps often remain unfulfilled dreams.

Action Plan for Business Goal: Break down your business goal into smaller, manageable tasks. If your goal is to "secure three new client meetings," your action steps might include "research potential clients," "send introductory emails," and "follow up with phone calls." Each action should have a specific deadline to keep you on track throughout the week.

Action Plan for Fitness Goal: Similarly, outline the steps needed to reach your fitness goal. If your goal is to "run 10 miles," your action steps could be "plan running routes," "schedule runs in your calendar," and "track mileage with a fitness app." Having a clear plan helps you integrate these activities into your daily routine.

Writing down these action steps makes your goals more tangible and provides a clear roadmap to follow. It also allows you to anticipate any potential challenges and think of ways to overcome them.


Using this weekly goal tracking template can significantly enhance your productivity and well-being. By reflecting on your past goals, setting clear and balanced goals for the week, and outlining specific actions, you create a structured approach to achieving success. This template not only keeps you accountable but also helps you maintain a balanced focus on both professional and personal growth. Start using this template today and take control of your weekly goals with confidence and clarity.


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