Value Network Mapping (1.0)
By unraveling and reimagining how value is created or lost within a system, you can uncover the keys to assist individuals and organizations in reorganizing themselves sustainably.
Value network mapping does not come with a rigid procedure; it's an adaptable method, typically involving two phases. Initially, it renders a map of the existing situation. Second, you and your stakeholders can build upon that map, making a profound evaluation and redesign.
This template offers a 3-step instruction, providing you with the basic building blocks to copy, and two inspiring examples. Let's begin mapping together!
VITO Nexus Learn
Capacity builders@VITO
VITO Nexus develops – by participating in projects – as a service catalogue for and with VITO researchers, our partners and various societal actors. That catalogue includes these Miro templates.
At VITO Nexus, we’re convinced that if we want to give our society and planet a future, we will have to make our human actions deeply sustainable. Hence we will have to change profoundly. Let our formats help you doing so.
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