Value List
Discover your personal values with this exercise. These values are uniquely yours, independent of your company or job description. They represent who you truly are, not just who you aspire to be.
Step 1
Grab a row in the playground and enter your name in the circle
Step 2
Look at each sticky note for 10 secs (do not overthink) and categorize them into your YES, or MEH piles. If a sticky note makes you think "NO" just move on to the next sticky.
Copy and paste each sticky to the specific pile.
YES pile: This really resonates with me.
MEH pile: I'm not sure about this one.
NO: This does not resonate with me.
(Time: 5 minutes)
Step 3
Go through the MEH pile and say YES or NO.
If yes, put on YES pile. If NO, delete the sticky.
(Time: 60 seconds count down)
Step 4
Take the YES cards and narrow down to your top 10 sticky notes. Delete the stickies that don't make your top 10.
(Time: 3 minutes)
Step 5
Take a picture of the top 10! Keep it. This is really who you are!
If you spent an hour to go through this exercise, you will get back to the top 10.
Step 6
Depending on the seasons of your life, there will be a top 5 that come through. To get there, let's focus on this season of your life/career/family. Ask yourself, "What do I value most right now in my present circumstance?"
Eliminate another 5 OR choose the top 5 showing for you now .
(Time: 90 seconds)
I acknowledge the John Maxwell Leadership Team, where I have drawn a lot of inspiration to create this version of the value games. This team has helped me grow in leaps and bounds, increased my thirst for personal leadership, and opened up my eyes to explore my core potential, and to becoming a better version of myself. And also holding me accountable for adding value to my community and others. My hope is that this game will help you identify your true north and evoke emotion to make you take the necessary actions required in your present circumstance.
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