Solution Space Matrix


What is the Solution Space Matrix?

The Solution Space Matrix is a versatile tool for generating ideas. It can be used in many different situations; we particularly like to use it to help clients find ideas for new products or services.

How does it work?

The Solution Space Matrix creates a space of possible solutions by combining two key aspects of an ideation task. When chosen well, these combinations can provide on-the-spot inspiration. We usually get the best results combining the aspects what-we-have with what-we-want-to-achieve.

A simple example

The ideation task: An opera house needs ideas for its upcoming open day.


Aspect #1 - Resources and activities: Rehearsals, lighting, costumes, directing, props, scenery, musicians, singers, ...

Aspect #2 - Goals for a family day out: Entertain the children, learn something new, face a new challenge, have a novel experience, create a lasting memory, ...

Idea generation: Play with combinations

  • Visitors can watch as a costume is created.

  • Musicians demonstrate their instruments.

  • Visitors get to direct a scene with professional actors.

  • Visitors learn how to light a stage from a technician.

  • Visitors try painting some scenery.

  • Visitors receive a singing lesson.


The matrix has several advantages in an ideation workshop:

  • It provides a structured approach to the ideation task.

  • It can be tailored closely to problem specifics.

  • It can support a large number of users simultaneously.


To be most effective, the technique requires in-depth understanding of the ideation task, so facilitators should factor some preparation time into their plans.


We developed the Solution Space Matrix for use in commercial innovation projects. Our clients are typically technology companies who need ideas for new or next-generation products, service improvements, or process optimization.


Graham Horton image
Graham Horton
Professor and Consultant@Zephram GbR
I teach idea generation at university, and I help companies generate and evaluate ideas for products and services.
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