Safety Check Ice Breaker

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It is an icebreaker but since people have to use some basic functionality of Miro (sticky notes, drag and drop, typing) in case of a new training session with people that are facing Miro for the first time, it helps to let people become soon comfortable with it.

How does it work:

Every person in the meeting or room

Drag 1 sticky note or icon in the position that best represents your attitude.

The submission is anonymous, but you are pleased to choose your own sticker or customize your sticky note so that you can recognize it next time and update your "attitude".


5 minutes


Also known as ESVP (Explorer, Shopper, Vacationer, Prisoner) Ice Breaker.

Disney company al right reserved.


From the Book: "Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great" by Esther Derby e Diana Larsen.


Fabio Delaiti image
Fabio Delaiti
Kanban Coach Professional @BookyWay
BOOKYWAY co-founder and certified KANBAN COACH. In BOOKYWAY we apply and experience everything that is AGILE because we are hungry for improvement. The Agile Mindset has allowed us to grow quickly with sustainability, often changing direction in search of new challenges. As Professional certified KANBAN Coach, through COURSES I guide companies and their teams to evolve in increasingly complex contexts, focusing on customer needs, sustainability and respect for people.


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