Productization Journey


Productization Journey Radar

The productization radar is a tool I'm developing to provide an integrated view of the strategic application of the main pillars of productization within an organization.

The radar’s primary goal is to enable continuous and strategic tracking, identifying progress and areas needing improvement. It acts as a compass to map the level of utilization and depth of practices, while guiding the practical advancement of these pillars’ integration within the organization.

Each pillar in the radar is classified into three depth levels, reflecting the infrastructure, practices, and resources available within the business unit (BU):

  • Basic: Initial structures and practices with limited capability, focused on fundamental needs with restricted autonomy.

  • Intermediate: More defined structures and moderately scalable practices, allowing for gradual adaptation to organizational needs.

  • Advanced: Fully integrated and optimized structures, ready to scale with complete strategic alignment and high adaptability.

🏁 Pillar Objectives

  • Org. Design: Structure teams to promote autonomy, efficiency, and strategic alignment.

  • Product Development: Ensure a consistent and agile development cycle, from initial concept to product growth.

  • Platforms: Develop support systems that provide business efficiency and scalability.

  • Service & Customer Enablement: Provide essential resources and services to enable teams to deliver value and meet customer needs.

Radar Objectives

  • Map and evolve items: Track progress and identify advancements in each area.

  • Understand usage and needs: Observe what is being utilized and pinpoint essential elements for performance.

  • Identify unmet needs: Highlight gaps and direct actions to strengthen these areas.

This is an initial version, and like any tool, it is still undergoing adjustments and refinements. However, I believe it already provides a solid foundation to guide organizations towards a more efficient and adaptable operation.


Suzy Oliveira image
Suzy Oliveira
Diretora Produtos & Agilidade@SuzyAdvisory
Com 17 anos de experiência em Tecnologia, sou especialista em liderar transformações que impulsionam crescimento, eficiência e inovação em grandes organizações. Atualmente, sou Diretora na Quod, onde lidero iniciativas estratégicas que abrangem produtos, tecnologia e agilidade. Ao longo da minha trajetória, ocupei posições executivas, como Vice-Presidente na Labsit e Diretora de Produto & Tecnologia na Creditas, Thoughtworks, sempre com foco em gestão integrada e aumento de resultados.
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