Personal Board of Directors


Focus on the four to six people that can provide strengths to guide you, for this time in your career.

These should be people you trust, and you want to make a commitment to being your best self with. Most importantly, your PBOD needs to include diverse points of view. This isn’t the time for all your besties to sit around and tell you how great you or your idea is. You want people who are going to poke holes in your plans.

Think of them as your personal lane change warning system—they save you from your own blind spots.


Katinya King-Lilly image
Katinya King-Lilly
Strategy Consulting@UHG
Over the years, Katinya has led international teams of analysts across various verticals including semi-conductor, hospitality, and pharmacy care by aligning data and storytelling to provide strategic, analytical, and operational insights for stakeholders.
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