Liberating Structure 1-2-4-ALL


If you want to have a creative icebreaker using a liberating structure called 1,2,4,ALL this template is for you!

This template allows more participation of the members of one team

Invite to people to choose an emotion according to how they arrive at the session 💛 and the characters of the movie "Inside Out": disgust 😒, Joy 😃, sadness 😭, fear 😰, anger 😡

Each participant must write his name under the character.

Step 1

Let's write a story according to the topic (1) 🧠

Choose a book of the library, the participants must take one topic and write a little story about it

Step 2

Let's write a story (Couples) ✌️

Allow participants to pair up, with the virtual tool for example zoom, create rooms for the couples, in 3 minutes each couple must share the story and create a new story from both stories then all participants return to the main room, each representative of each couple should talk

Step 3

Let's write a story (People 4) 4️⃣

Allow participants to form groups of 4 participants and repeat Step 2

Step 4

Let's write a story (ALL) ⭐

Finally breakout rooms, together they must build a single story from the last stories in the main room.



I'm an Agile Coach from Colombia, I love to create different templates for people in new collaborative tools like miro :) it's a pleasure to share my knowledge and crazy ideas with you
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