Filmmakers Storyboard
The Filmmakers Storyboard Template is for any content creator of today.
This template was made from the ground up by our in house Director, Michael K. Rogers, who saw the need to connect the creative work done by teams in offices to the production teams who are on the ground in the field capturing the vision.
This board merges your shot lists, your film's dialogue and your visual elements all in one place. It puts together a road map for how your film will look when it gets into the edit bay and keeps all of your various teams, whether they are on set all together or you are producing the shoot remotely, on the same page throughout production.
With the incredible collaboration tools that come standard with Miro, your Director can present the board to your on set key personnel in a detailed, shot by shot way that allows for efficient communication between all departments.
Thank you for using this board and if anyone has any questions about using the board, please reach out to Persistent Productions for clarification.
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