Embrace Equity Retrospective
Embrace Equity Retrospective
What is it?
The Embrace Equity Retrospective is a team exercise designed to promote equity and inclusivity in the workplace. The retrospective consists of four steps, beginning with an introduction to the concept of equity, followed by the creation of personal user manuals, generating insights on common behavior and practices related with equity and inclusivity, and concluding with kudo cards to acknowledge the contributions of team members.
It can be used on team level or on company level to reflect on equity and inclusivity.
It can be used as regular team retrospective or as a workshop.
How to use it?
Step 1: Introduction (5 min)
Begin by familiarizing yourself with the concept of equity and how it can be used to create a more inclusive world
This will help provide a foundation for the rest of the retrospective and ensure that everyone is aligned in their understanding of equity and its importance.
Read provided introduction (5 min)
Step 2: Personal User Manual (20 min)
Create a manual about yourself, share emoji that best describe you, story about yourself that the team is not familiar with, your background, interests, and preferences in the form of text, images, GIFs, or drawings.
Sharing these personal details helps to build stronger connections, promote inclusivity, and develop empathy towards colleagues.
Create own personal manual card (5 min) and then share with the group one-by-one (15 min).
Step 3: Generate Insights (25 min)
Reflect on your team or organization through an equity and inclusivity mindset.
The objective is to identify positive and negative behaviors or practices in the workplace that need to be dropped, added, kept or improved to promote equity and inclusivity.
Write sticky notes individually (5 min) and then discuss all areas as a team (20 min).
Step 4: Kudo Cards (15 min)
Write kudo cards to acknowledge and appreciate colleagues' contributions that promote equity and inclusivity in the workplace.
Recognizing and appreciating each other's efforts helps to foster a positive work environment and promote momentum towards achieving the team's goals.
Write kudo cards individually (5 min) and then share it with the team (10 min).
Final Note
By following these steps, the "Embrace Equity retrospective" aims to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace, where team members feel valued and empowered to contribute towards a common goal.
Creating an equitable workplace is not just a moral responsibility, but it also makes good business sense. A diverse and inclusive workforce has been shown to improve productivity, creativity, and innovation. It also helps to attract and retain top talent, which is crucial in today's competitive job market. Therefore, it is essential to invest time and effort into promoting equity and inclusivity in the workplace, and the Embrace Equity Retrospective is an excellent tool to achieve this goal.
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