Customer Persona


What is it? 

Customer Personas are fictional characters that represent a customer segment. They help you answer the question, “Who am I designing for?” and serve as a constant reminder of who your customers are and what problems you are solving for them. A Persona typically includes the following characteristics: demographic details, jobs-to-be-done, pains, gains, and psychographic traits (e.g., values, interests). 

How do I use it?

Use data and insights you’ve gathered from primary and secondary research, and captured in a Customer Profile, to construct a Customer Persona for a specific customer segment.

  1. List demographic details (e.g., photo, fictional name, age, location, etc.)

  2. Add Customer Jobs, Pains, and Gains from your Customer Profile.

  3. Identify psychographics (e.g., values and interests)

  4. Review and validate your understanding of the customer.

Create a new persona to represent each of your customer segments.


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Praxis by Emergn
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