Course Creation Canvas
Delivering training is easy. But will your students remember it next week? And will they still be practicing their new skills months from now?
Chances are the answer is “no.” Most corporate training fails at its goal of effecting organizational change, and most training of any kind fails because of something called the Forgetting Curve. Without regular practice at new skills and concepts, people can’t remember what they learned in a class. It’s not their fault—it’s merely a human trait. So how do we facilitate effective learning? How can we support learners with effective courses, skills practice, and learning environments?
I spend a lot of time creating learning material and helping students learn and acquire all the knowledge and skills they want. Every time I create a new short course or learning module, I follow a pattern based on Sharon Bowman’s Training from the Back of the Room!. I created the Course Creation Canvas to make it easy for me—and more importantly, for you—to create great learning sessions. It works every time. It’s an easy way to create a great course for your students.
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