Building Feedback Loops

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Feedback loops, as we have envisioned them, are a systems-thinking way to structure interactions between people, and have unique characteristics that differ from simple feedback systems. They are:

  • purposeful (i.e. designed, not accidental)

  • bi-directional

  • iterative

  • and changes the knowledge, actions or goals for the engaged parties (i.e., transformative)

We've found that there are tangible benefits to intentional design of participant interactions, particularly when bringing together people with differing expertise-for example, co-developing educational technology with practicing educators. This template will guide you through the process of building feedback loops in your own context, which you can use to guide your research, development and product/project management processes.

Note that this activity is a first step to set up your feedback loop, but you will need to iterate and nurture it over the course of your work.


Anthony image
Director, Emerging Initiatives@Digital Promise
I think a lot about how people collaborate, especially at the intersection of education and technology.


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