Action Map


When you’re working as an instructional designer—especially in a workplace setting—it’s important to always remember the goal isn’t just to deliver content and information to your learners. Instead, the goal is to create training and learning experiences that help improve performance and deliver results back to the organization. After all, that’s the very definition of instructional design. But how do you go about creating performance- and results-driven training in a practical way? Well, this is where the process of action mapping can help!

How Does an Action Map Work?

Creating an action map for your instructional design project is easy. Follow these four steps to get started:

  1. Identify Your Goal: Start your action map by identifying the measureable goal you're seeking to achieve through your instrucitonal design project.

  2. List the Actions: After you've identified your goal, list and connect any and all action your learners need to take to accomplish your goal. These actions should be obserable behaviors.

  3. Design Practice Activities: After listing all of the actions you need your learner to take to accomplish your goal, then list and connect any practice activities you could design to help learners practice the necessary actions.

  4. List the Minimal Information: After you've designed and listed your practice activities, list and connect any minimally necessary information your learners might need to complete the practice activity. If the information you identify doesn't have a direct connection back to your measurable goal, don't include it.

Next Step

After you've created your action map, you now have a springboard to help you start designing your training solution.

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Tim Slade image
Tim Slade
Instructional Designer & eLearning Dev@The eLearning Designer's Academy
Hey! I'm Tim, and I help new and aspiring instructional designers and eLearning developers grow their careers by focusing on skills first.
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