The Achievable Mountain


The Achievable Mountain

Here’s a Miro template to help with your goal setting. Visualize your goals in three categories — safe and achievable, ambitious but achievable, and ambitious and far-fetched — to help you pinpoint where to direct your focus.

Safe and achievable

These goals represent the lowest-hanging fruit. They are straightforward and entirely within reach. However, there’s a risk of complacency when goals are too easily attainable, potentially leading to waning interest over time.

Ambitious but achievable

This category represents the optimal balance between challenge and achievability. These goals are ambitious enough to stimulate motivation, yet with diligent effort, they are within reach. This ‘Goldilocks’ zone fosters sustained motivation as you pursue your objectives.

Ambitious and far-fetched

While setting lofty goals isn’t inherently problematic, it becomes detrimental when the goals are clearly out of reach. Pursuing far-fetched goals can demoralize individuals, leading to potential abandonment of the intended objectives.

Happy goal setting!


Clyde D'Souza image
Clyde D'Souza
Software Engineer and Author
Hi, I'm Clyde. I'm a software engineer based in Auckland, New Zealand. I write about various technologies, teach online classes, make videos, and I'm also the author of a children's bedtime storybook!
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