5Ws & H
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The 5Ws and H
Who is experiencing the problem?
Knowing your users and their background is key to creating successful solutions for them.
What are the pain points you’re trying to solve?
Determining a user’s pain points early allows you to answer the rest of these questions and clarify the context of the pain points.
Where is the user when they’re using the product?
A user’s physical context matters to your design.
When does the problem occur?
Maybe it’s right after the end of a long and tedious process, or maybe it’s something that happens daily. Knowing when the problem occurs can help you better empathize with the user’s feelings.
Why is the problem important?
Knowing how this problem affects your user’s experience and life will help to clarify the potential consequences.
How are users reaching their goals by using the product?
Understanding how users reach their goals allows you to map the user journey that they take through your product.
Zeyad Abdelazim Ali
UI UX Designer/Instrctor@Array;
I am a UI UX designer using Adobe XD & Figma has experience by working as a freelancer in creating
simplified controls and Valuable, In addition to my experience in teaching UI UX.
Frontend Developer (react.js). backend developer (Laravel Framework).
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