Don't give OKRs to your team, co-create


This is a template that can be used to Facilitate powerful team discussions and co-create impactful Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) with this interactive workshop template on Miro. Harness the popular OKR model to engage your team in a dynamic dialogue that goes beyond top-down management, fostering collaboration and ownership.

Key Features:

  1. Objective Definition: Kickstart the workshop by collectively defining objectives that align with your team's broader goals. Participants can contribute ideas, providing a diverse range of perspectives.

  2. Interactive Key Result Ideation: Foster creativity and collaboration as participants ideate on metrics for achieving each Key Result. Leverage the template's interactive features to encourage real-time input and brainstorming.

  3. Voting Mechanism: Enable team members to prioritize and vote on the rights metrics for each objective.

  4. Establish Targets: Once the metrics are identified, then the team can navigate on targets they want to reach.

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Jorge Baldeon image
Jorge Baldeon
Agile Coach
My passion is facilitating growth towards higher performance. If you're curious about consultation, reach out to me at or via LinkedIn.
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