Design Thinking Experience


This board is designed to carry out Design Thinking Experiences of 4-6 hours. 4 teams participate in this serious game so they can experience the power of STUDIO.WHY Design Thinking, based on the Dutch Design Deltas. This method and mindset combines elements of Design Thinking, agile and an entrepreneurial approach.


  • Set up the program and optional pictures of the facilitators

  • Set what tools you will use beside Miro (like zoom, MS teams or spatial chat)

  • Feel free to make changes in the presentation about Design Thinking

  • Set up the teams (who is in what team, 4-6 persons in one team)

  • Set up the challenge the participants will work on

  • The host can set up a schedule for the teams for their empathy talks. 

If you would like to know more about STUDIO.WHY Design Thinking, join a free webinar.


Training on entrepreneurial behaviour
STUDIO.WHY trains on agility and resilience, so people are able to keep creating sustainable value for others. We do this via our studios in various countries as well as online. We are proud to be a Miro Expert.
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