CX Management Contact Center aaS


Contact Center Implementation Guide

What is the template about?

Welcome to the CX Contact Center Template! This guide is designed to help your company develop an effective brainstorming strategy for your contact center. It provides a systematic approach from the company's perspective, focusing on enabling clear communication for all stakeholders involved. By following this template, you'll clarify the needs and considerations essential for a successful contact center implementation. Please note that this template primarily focuses on system and implementation aspects, excluding specific timelines and budgetary considerations, which require separate attention due to their complexity.

How to Use:

This template is structured as a step-by-step guide. Navigate through the board from left to right:

  1. Asking the right Questions: Let`s think about: Customers, Priorities, Channels, Company Setup, Performance, Existing Systems, Employees, Budget, KPI`s

  2. Current status of the Communication Channels: What is the current state of our customer communication channels? Where could we improve?

  3. Identify Stakeholders and Systems:Begin by identifying all stakeholders involved in the contact center implementation process, along with the relevant systems.

  4. System and Stakeholder Relations Overview: Visualize the stakeholders and systems relationships involved in the contact center.

  5. System Integration: What are the legacy system? What can be included or integrated to our Contact Center? What should be replaced by an omni channel Contac Center? Any specific ideas?

  6. Brainstorm and Prioritize Needs and Requirements with Stakeholders: Organize a collaborative session with stakeholders to brainstorm and prioritize their wishes, needs, and basic requirements for the contact center.

  7. Design Functional Structure: The heart of a phone system is its functional structure, the routing. Where does the caller start what will be the way down to the Service. ACD, IVR, Voicebots, Announcements, there are many possibilities. Visualize them to keep the overview and order.

  8. Timing from the Customer's View: Evaluate the timing aspects from the customer's perspective. Consider factors such as wait times, routing efficiency, and overflow support across teams.

  9. User Management: Gather all users from the relevant departments and define their roles or required licenses within the contact center setup.

  10. Gather Training Material: Develop and store training materials to ensure that all users are adequately trained on the contact center system and processes.

What else?

Certain sections of the template are intended for different roles: Blue fields: strategists, project managers or technicians, white fields: group collaboration.

Hopefully, this template will simplify your contact center implementation process and promote effective collaboration between stakeholders.

Happy implementation!


Andreas Lindenberg image
Andreas Lindenberg
I specialize in helping individuals and teams in introducing a new way of working with a practical approach. This involves changing the way they think and collaborate in their professional practice – putting Digital Transformation into action. Miro is my daily go-to; I've seen it, loved it, and am now hooked. Whether working solo or collaboratively, it's the centerpiece of my 'digital life,' bridging gaps that other tools can't.
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