The new way of working for hybrid teams

How we work has changed. Your tools should too. Experience seamless collaboration, no matter when or where you work, in Miro.

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Over 70M+ users love Miro.

Every team in your organization can get on board

From product and design to sales and marketing, Miro empowers hybrid teams to work better together.

Ease of use without limiting creativity

Lay out all of your work in a single Miro board. Start by drawing with a stylus, writing on sticky notes, or dropping files in Miro. Take it to the next level and run a multi-day design sprint or strategy session with more advanced tools.

A template for every team

Choose from over 1300+ pre-made templates to get started quickly. From simple icebreakers to complex strategy sessions, there's a template for you. Or create your own to scale and standardize best practices across your company.

Integrates with your hybrid tech stack

Tailor Miro to your needs with 100+ apps and integrations. Get the most out of your existing tools with bi-directional syncing, automation, and natively embedded Miro boards to avoid extra work or keeping things synced.

Visual collaboration makes flexible work a reality

Hybrid meetings

Meet in Miro where each participant can interact, share ideas and co-create with the same impact, whether in the office or working from home.

Asynchronous collaboration

Swap unnecessary meetings for Miro boards. By sharing your work visually, stakeholders get the full context to make decisions - no meeting required.

Project hub

Bring your Google docs, Asana tasks, JIRA issues and more into a Miro board to create visibility and alignment across the team. The infinite canvas is a perfect content hub for all project-related assets.

Hybrid events

Exchange talking heads for energizing, interactive all-hands and town halls where participants ask questions and engage with speakers in the moment without coming off mute.

Browse our related templates

Brainstorming, Meetings, Ideation

Icebreakers, Workshops

Meetings, Workshop, Project Management

Meetings & Workshops, Retrospective, Product

Project Management, Strategy & Planning, Documentation

Brainstorming, Agile Workflows, Product

The missing piece in your hybrid strategy

Working together online is a challenge when text and video are your only options. Miro gives teams a dynamic and visual way to collaborate, connect, and create.

Interactive Presentation Mode

Interactive Presentation Mode allows collaborative teams to present their Miro boards in any kind of meeting with the highest level of interactivity and flexibility.

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Miro for meetings and workshops

Keep meeting guests engaged and ideas flowing when working with hybrid teams.

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Miro for Enterprise

Connect your entire company in a single visual platform for faster project delivery times, increased team alignment, and less time spent in meetings.

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Online meetings facilitation

Online facilitation doesn't have to be challenging. Make virtual meetings engaging, inclusive, and fun with Miro.

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Obeya Room

Obeya Room

Bring teams closer together and execute faster in a hybrid, collaborative Obeya room.

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How to lead a great hybrid meeting?


Adopt a remote-first mindset

Design the meeting as if everyone were remote. Put yourself in the attendees’ shoes by imagining yourself on a video call trying to follow along and contribute.


Vary the structure to retain attention

Make sure there are multiple ways to contribute, whether it’s talking, showing, or reading. Keeping everyone focused on a purpose will help them stay engaged.


Assign a facilitator

As a facilitator, a little empathy can go a long way. Be understanding of your participants’ needs and individual realities.


Run your hybrid meeting

Kick off with one of our many icebreakers templates, use sticky notes for rapid ideation and collaboration, set timers for activities and add some next steps on the board.

We have answers to your questions

Yes, 100%, thousands of businesses rely upon Miro for developing outstanding products, services and customer experience. A great deal of them have to navigate through the challenges of hybrid or fully remote teams, but we are here to help.

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Join thousands of teams using Miro to do their best work yet.

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