
Modello di Design Sprint Kit

Facilita il design sprint con questo kit pronto da usare

Sul Modello di Design Sprint Kit...

Perché usare il modello di design sprint kit?

I facilitatori dei design sprint remoti possono usare questo kit per mantenere lo spirito di un design sprint co-locato utilizzando feature virtuali e lavagne pronte per gli sprint.

Bonus: il kit può anche essere utilizzato dai team di prodotto per documentare digitalmente tutte le sticky note e la carta utilizzate durante un design sprint co-locato.

Cosa ottieni con il design sprint kit?


  • Punti per votazioni

  • Note adesive digitali per i feedback

  • Nastro adesivo

  • (Non dimenticare di aggiungere un

  • alla tua lavagna!)


  • Cluster HMW (per la revisione e la votazione delle note delle interviste da parte di esperti)

  • Modello di journey map dell'utente


  • Galleria d'arte (per visualizzare gli schizzi e la votazione di martedì)

  • Modello di storyboard


  • Lavagna di feedback dell'utente (per catturare il feedback dell'utente sul prototipo di venerdì)

FAQs about the Design Sprint Kit

Can you do a Design Sprint by yourself?

Yes, you can. If your design team consists of one person, they can still run a Design Sprint and use this template. If you are running a solo sprint, some of the stages may take less time because there won’t be collective brainstorming and team deliberation. This could take your five-day sprint to four or three days. The key to running a Design Sprint by yourself is time management. Timebox each stage of the Design Sprint by setting alarms to ensure you don’t go over time. Using the structure of this Design Sprint Kit template will also help keep you on track. Of course, it’s always beneficial to run a Design Sprint as a team. Working in a team makes it easier to come up with new ideas and analyze each solution.

What does a Design Sprint look like?

How your Design Sprint looks will depend on whether you’re capturing your ideas on paper or on a virtual collaborative board. Using paper and pens will require a designated space in your office, not to mention post-its, masking tape, and stickers. With an online Design Sprint Kit, all the necessary tools are already at your disposal, from virtual masking tape to digital sticky notes. Your Design Sprint will take the shape of a collaborative online board where all team members can easily share their ideas in one consolidated place. Whether you're running remote or in-person sprints, your Design Sprint will consist of five stages. These stages usually run over five days, from Monday to Friday.

Who should run Design Sprints?

A Design Sprint Facilitator should run Design Sprints. This person is in charge of keeping the Design Sprint on track and maintaining momentum within the team. The facilitator’s role is to provide the framework, so everyone on the design team actively participates in the sprint. Someone within your team can act as the Design Sprint Facilitator, or you can hire an external facilitator.

Modello di Design Sprint Kit

Inizia ora con questo modello.

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