Team Topologies
Build your own Team Topologies with ready-to-use shapes.
Key Features:
The four fundamental team types:
- Stream-aligned team aligned to a flow of work from (usually) a segment of the business domain.
- Enabling team, helps a Stream-aligned team to overcome obstacles. Also detects missing capabilities.
- Complicated Subsystem team, where significant mathematics/calculation/technical expertise is needed.
- Platform team, a grouping of other team types that provide a compelling internal product to accelerate delivery by Stream-aligned teams.
The three interaction modes:
- Collaboration, working together for a defined period of time to discover new things (APIs, practices, technologies, etc).
- X-as-a-Service, one team provides and one team consumes something “as a Service”.
- Facilitation, one team helps and mentors another team.
Flow of change:
- The flow of change, showing the direction value is being created and delivered (your end users being at the end of this arrow).
How to Use:
- Just drag and drop these shapes into your Miro board. A small description for each shape is directly available within the plugin.
- Once added, find the Team Topologies icon in your tools library (on the left of your board), click on the icon and you are ready to go!
Helpful Links:
More Information:
- Thank you to Xavier Malparty for the original version of this app -
- Privacy Policy
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About the developer
Team Topologies
We are on a mission to make work more humane and more effective for everyone via Team Topologies patterns and principles.