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Gemma is the personal assistant you've been looking for to solve all your design needs. No more endless hours searching for the perfect images or struggling with copywriting. With a huge library of resources, Gemma is always just a conversation away. It's super easy to use and feels like you're having a conversation with a real person. Gemma is also an expert in copywriting. With a simple command, you can check your copy for errors and get suggestions for improvements.

One of the coolest things about Gemma is that it learns from you. As you use the plugin, Gemma learns your preferences and adapts to your style. It's like having a personal assistant who knows exactly what you need and how you work. Trust us, try Gemma today and you'll get unlimited wishes and a new best friend to help you with all your design needs.

Key Features:

  • Huge library of design resources to generate perfect assets
  • Copywriting expertise
  • Learns from user preferences and adapts to their style
  • Easy to use with natural language conversation interface

How to Connect:

Just login and start the conversation!

Helpful Links:

Terms of Service

* Note that any information provided by a third party application provider, including pricing and payment details as applicable, is subject to change and should be verified with the provider.


FreeDesign toolsIdeation & brainstorming



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  • Read and modify boards users have access to

About the developer
