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Zluri is a comprehensive SaaS Operations management platform for IT teams. It enables IT teams to discover & manage all SaaS applications used across the organization from a single dashboard.

As organizations grow, so do the SaaS applications used by them, and along with that grows the complexity in managing the applications. The fact that anyone can sign up for a SaaS app and start using it, sometimes keeps the IT team unaware of what apps are being in the organization leading to unnecessary spending on redundant applications & unused licenses. The traditional method of tracking all subscriptions through spreadsheets is inefficient here. Zluri provides an intelligent solution to manage all your software subscriptions.

With direct integration with Miro, you can easily track which users hold licenses, how frequently they use Miro & which features they are using. You will get detailed usage & engagement metrics for each user on the Miro platform. Also, you can manage license ownership, provision Miro accounts for users.

Key Features:

  • Smart application discovery
  • Easy renewal monitoring
  • Application cost optimization
  • Smooth vendor management
  • Application utilization data
  • Real-time insights and reports

How to enable:

  • Login to your Zluri dashboard.
  • Navigate to the Integration page.
  • Find Miro in the list of the integrations & click 'connect'.
  • This will open a pop up window displaying the list of data points that Zluri collects from Miro. Please go through it & click 'connect'.
  • This will open another pop up window where you will need to authorise with your Miro credentials.
  • Once you provide the credentials it will connect Miro with Zluri.


  • This integration fetches the list of users from your Miro account & displays in Zluri dashboard. Once connected successfully, Navigate to the 'Applications' screen.
  • Search for Miro & click it to open the Miro app overview page, There you can see the number of users using Miro. You can navigate to the 'Users' tab. If you scroll down you can see the users under your account listed.

Use Cases:

  • Discover which users hold Miro licenses in your organization.
  • Learn when your teammates last used the application.
  • Identify how often they use Miro through the average usage percentage metric.
  • Manage Miro licenses and monitor amount spent.
  • Track upcoming renewals.


* Note that any information provided by a third party application provider, including pricing and payment details as applicable, is subject to change and should be verified with the provider.


PaidAdmin, security, user management


Verify pricing details with the developer*

About the developer


North America

Our mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to SaaS. The idea of Zluri came to life in 2020. We had never witnessed before an event where the single most defining line between advancement and decline in many industries and countries was technology. Businesses that had embraced technology survived first and grew later. We saw that every piece of technology was available for a fraction of a price for the first time in our existence. Accessibility of software has put to rest the affordability question, bringing in true democratization for people to participate and build something.


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