What’s New

No more swarms of yellow bubbles. You can see who said what with our comments’ new visual cues, like user avatars. Plus, we’ve added badges for each “@ mention.”

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What else just came on board

More updates to make work just work better.

Workshops & Async Collaboration

Ace async, on the go

Easily watch Talktracks and explore board content on your mobile device, anytime, anywhere.

Collaborate without constaints
Workshops & Async Collaboration

Share content far and wide

It just became even easier to share your Talktracks. Embed recordings on Coda, Notion, and Productboard.

Embed your Talktracks

Build your dream template

Want to publish a Miroverse template? Gather inspiration and tips in our new resource hub.

Explore our hub

Be part of our next big thing

This is your space to join community events, collaborate with other creators, give us feedback, and more.

Win swag by sharing your feedback

Still trying out all the new releases from our first What’s New webinar of 2024? Tell us which new product updates you’re excited to try in our Community Forum, and have the chance to win some Miro swag!

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