Dune Retrospective


Welcome to the "Dune Retrospective" board, where the vast sands of the iconic Dune universe inspire a space for reflection and appreciation. Here, team members embark on a journey of introspection, sharing insights, lessons learned, and achievements from their collaborative endeavors.

Agreements: Establishing a foundation for effective communication and collaboration.

Check-in: Setting the stage for open and honest dialogue by sharing individual perspectives.

Icebreaker: Engaging team members with a creative prompt to kickstart the retrospective session.

Gathering Data: Encouraging participants to express their thoughts and feelings through structured prompts of "I liked," "I wish," and "I don't like."

Generate Insights: Identifying key ideas and transferring them for collective discussion.

Discussion: Deliberating on the identified ideas to gain deeper insights and understanding.

Consensus-Building: Facilitating agreement on outcomes and recording them for future reference.

Actions: Defining actionable steps, responsibilities, and timelines for implementation.

Rate the Retro: Evaluating the effectiveness of the retrospective process to improve future sessions.

Next Retro: Planning for future retrospectives, including facilitator assignments and scheduling.

The "Dune Retrospective" board serves as a platform to honor individual contributions while collectively navigating the ever-shifting landscape of projects and goals. It fosters a culture of continuous improvement and mutual support, ensuring that each journey through the sands of teamwork leads to greater success and cohesion.


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