Project Delivery Fishbone Diagram 🐳
This fishbone diagram, also known as an Ishikawa or cause-and-effect diagram, is a tool used to identify the root causes of a problem. In this case, delays in project delivery. The diagram visually breaks down the potential factors contributing to the issue into categories, helping teams analyze and address them systematically.
How to use this diagram
Problem Definition (Head of the Fish):
The problem is clearly stated at the "head" of the fish: "Delays in the project delivery." This is the issue you're trying to solve.
Identify Specific Causes (Sub-Categories):
Under each main category, you identify specific causes that could contribute to the delays.
Analyze and Prioritize Causes:
Once the causes are mapped, the team can discuss and analyze each one. Prioritize the causes that are most likely to have the biggest impact on delays.
Action Planning:
After identifying the root causes, create an action plan to address these issues.